Saturday, March 14, 2009


Distance: 27.14 nm

Cruising Northern Strait of Georgia (Nanaimo to Discovery Passage):

This section offers boaters a couple of different options and routes. One option is to stay close to Vancouver Island and explore the many coastal coves, the islands of Denman and Hornby, Nanoose Bay and Tribune Bay. Continue northward to Baynes Sound, Comox Harbour, Campbell River and the entrance to Discovery Passage. This is a very scenic route, but it offers few good anchorages. Another route to take is by Lasqueti Island. This is a fun place to explore with many small coves that feature good anchorage. The other option is to cross the Strait to Thormanby Islands and up Malaspina Strait to explore east Texada Island and the mainland coast. If planning to cross the Strait of Georgia, stay clear of the military test area.

If boating and staying close to Vancouver Island, you will find good anchorage at Nanoose Bay and Schooner Cove. The marina at French Creek open year round is the only place to anchor if visiting Parksville. Hornby Island has anchorages at Tribune Bay and Shingle Spit. Denman Island features a government dock and float. Comox Harbour is a busy harbour and city. It has a couple of marinas and pleasure boats use the Comox Harbour Authority floats.

Cruising Discovery Passage and Quadra Island:

Discovery Passage is the main waterway that links the Strait of Georgia with Johnstone Strait. Commercial traffic, recreational boats, and sport-fishermen all use this long, narrow stretch of water between Vancouver Island and the Discovery Islands (Quadra, Sonora, and East Thurlow). Northward from Discovery Passage and Desolation Sound the shoreline and topography are rugged and steep. This is the start of the wilderness and an area that is less travelled by pleasure crafts. Careful planning and timing are needed to make this challenging excursion safe and fun. Half way through Discover Passage is Seymour Narrows, which should be navigated near slack water. Duncan and Menzies Bays, on the south, and Plumper Bay on the north side offer anchorage when waiting for slack water.

Campbell River (above), is at the south entrance of Discover Passage, and is the supply centre for this region of Vancouver Island and the islands to the north. The town and district are fast becoming a tourist mecca with resorts, charters, guiding services, craft shops featuring native artifacts and northwest art, restaurants and accommodations.

Quadra IslandPicnic on Quadra Island

Quadra Island (Quathiaski Cove above), on the east side of Discovery Passage has many anchorage sites that offer protection. They include Brown Bay, Kanish Bay, Small Inlet, Granite Bay and just off Quadra is Chained Islands with two good anchorage spots. South of Chatham Point, is Otter Cove, a good spot to hold out if Johnstone Strait is rough.

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