Season opener for Spot Shrimp, June 11, 2020
Sunset at night is a shrimpers delight!

To prepare, I went to the dollar store and picked up dry cat food, canned mackeral, and dry mashed potato flakes. I also purchased some shrimp fuel and soaked the dry cat food overnight. The mashed potatoes create a binder that when mixed together into a paste, will release the goodies to the hungary little critters.

The season is only 4 hours long, so we were off to an early start. We dropped the pots for an hour and let them soak. Since we're on a sailboat, we have no mechanical means of hauling 300ft of sinking line so it's a pretty good workout. We saw other sailboats out there doing the same thing, one with a catch block off their boom. This looked like it would be less work as the tricepts are a lot stronger than the biceps, but also places the line close to the propeller. We chose to haul from the bow and avoid any potential "fun".

The limit is 80 shrimp per person, 4 pots per boat. Once caught, keep them alive in a large bucket best you can. Put them on in ziplock bags, and cover in ice when they start to lose their spunk. Chlorine will make their flesh mushy.

We boiled ours for 3 minutes after snapping off their tails and pulling out the vein that runs down their back. Add a garlic butter dip, bread and salad and you may have just gone to heaven.
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