Sunday, August 19, 2018

Puke Prevention Plan

The Sail Mentor Puke Prevention Plan © 2015

Seasickness is one of the great fears of novice sailors. Frankly, there’s good reason for this.

Seasickness Sucks!

You never really know if you or a crew member will be susceptible. Given the right conditions, virtually anyone will succumb to mal de mer (which sounds almost classy in French, but isn’t).

The good news is that most people can manage seasickness if they take some basic steps. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to prepare and after one brush with seasickness they fear that they can never be a sailor.

Don’t despair! I puke more easily than anyone I know and I’ve sailed through offshore storms and never missed a watch. I’ve spent years puking in various oceans and I’ve learned a lot about which preventative measures work and which don’t.

I still get sick every once in a while, but over the years I’ve worked out a basic plan for me and my guests that minimizes seasickness episodes.

Understanding Seasickness

People don’t get sick because they’re weak or scared. People get seasick because their brain gets conflicting signals from their eyes and inner ears. One says the world is moving and the other says it’s steady. This is why you feel so much worse if you go down below or stare at your feet.

There is a Mental Element

There’s no doubt that obsessing over whether you’re going to puke isn’t going to help matters. There is certainly a mental element.

However, in my experience this is not a deciding factor. I’ve gotten sick when I wasn’t expecting it at all and I didn’t get sick the only time I’ve been truly scared at sea.

The Experience is Very Individual

For some it’s long rolling motion downwind that will set them off, and others react to short choppy motion bashing windward.

You may do just fine offshore in long swells but feel ill when inshore in steep “square” waves. Or maybe just the opposite!

You Can Adapt

The really great news is that most people will feel fine after a few days at sea (though you may lose your adaptation if you’re in port for too long between passages). Many people also gradually get better over years of sailing.

Before You Go

Your Puke Prevention Plan starts before you get on the water:

Check the Forecast: If you have new crew aboard or a known puker, you may want to delay your departure if the winds are really going to be up or choose a more sheltered route.

Limit the Pre-Departure Partying: Starting hung over is not going to help!

Pack Crackers and Drinks: It’s very important to stay hydrated and fed. When I flew small airplanes, my flight bag always had crackers and a water bottle in it for when I started to feel off. Candied ginger also helps.

Hit the Pharmacy: Availability varies by country, but the three basic drugs to try out are:

  • Dramamine/Gravol: I always have chew-able Gravol in my pocket so I don’t need to think twice about taking it.
  • Stugeron: Not available in Canada or the US but many people’s favourite. Stock up on your next overseas trip.
  • Scopolamine Patch: This is the heavy hitter. You put it behind one ear and it is powerful stuff. The astronauts use it. It also gives some people heavy duty side effects, so experiment before you go. It’s magic for me.

Alternative Remedies: You may want to try bands or other options. Studies show them to be little better than placebos, but some people swear by them.

Consider Starting Drugs Early: Unfortunately, all of the drugs work better if you start the before you feel queasy.


On the Water

If you start to feel queasy, then take action right away! Don’t be shy, others are probably feeling the same way. If you wait too long it will be very difficult to have any effect and you’re in for a very rough day.

Start at the top and if you don’t feel better, move to the next step down:

Look at the Horizon: Get up on deck and enjoy the view. The most important thing you can do is stare at that horizon! Look for traffic or dolphins, admire the sunset, or ponder distant lands, but don’t look inside the boat. Don’t go hide down below! Stay away from fumes and closed spaces. Up on deck with you!

Eat and drink: Nobody ever believes me on this one, but simple, bland food like crackers will help settle the stomach. Candied ginger and sips of water will also help.

Start Your Drugs: If you haven’t started them preemptively, now’s the time.

Steer the Boat: When was the last time you saw the driver of a car get carsick? Don’t be shy, get in there.

This almost always works if you get on the wheel or tiller early enough.

Puke: Sooner or later it becomes inevitable. Don’t sweat it. You’ll feel better. Just be safe doing it. Hold on tight at the lee rail (away from the wind so you don’t get blow-back!) or if that isn’t safe, puke in a bucket.

Lie Down: If you’re wiped out and must like down, try to lie close to the center of the boat where there’s less motion and cover your eyes so the brain isn’t getting mixed signals.

Final Thoughts on Not Puking

Lots of sailors struggle with seasickness from time to time. It isn’t something to be feared, just something to be managed.

If you have a loved one who gets seasick, please be patient with them as they either learn to manage seasickness or slowly build up a tolerance to sailing. Otherwise, you might just need to learn to sail solo.